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1. A new learning experience

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What is it about?

11. April 2022 – Today marks the start of a new learning journey. I have decided to take the 24-week fully remote Data Science bootcamp offered by Le Wagon (! This is the unofficial week 0 (Python coding week) to bring every participant up to speed before the official start on the coming Saturday.

The format includes sessions running from today (Monday) until Friday from 6 pm to 10 pm. Topics include:

  • Monday 11th April: Data types, functions, and control flow
  • Tuesday 12th April: Lists and loops
  • Wednesday 13th April: Dictionaries
  • Thursday 14th April: Classes
  • Friday 15th April: Advanced OOP (object-oriented programming)

I am very much looking forward to the next weeks although it means that I can basically write off my spring/summer of 2022. However, I strongly believe that I will receive much more in return for it. By now, I have no clue how the remote format will work, how many classmates will join the batch and how challenging the whole experience is going to be!

For this reason, I am starting this blog to reflect back about my journey and help future students to follow me on my path. I aim to post at least once a week with some updates, but hope I will have time for more in-depth blog entries.

Let the journey begin!